
Events in and around Bad Gastein

Live in and around Bad Gastein

Events in Gastein

Experience Gastein from all sides - a wide variety of events are on offer: From the Snowboard World Cup to yoga days and cultural events to traditional folk festivals - there's something for everyone here!

Janus HotelbetriebsgmbH. ∙ Grillparzerstraße 1 ∙ 5640 Bad Gastein ∙ Austria
Tel. +43 6434 / 20 37-0 ∙ Fax +43 6434 / 38 67 ∙

Janus HotelbetriebsgmbH. ∙ Grillparzerstraße 1 ∙ 5640 Bad Gastein ∙ Austria
Tel. +43 6434 / 20 37-0 ∙ Fax +43 6434 / 38 67 ∙