
Events in and around Bad Gastein

Overview of the press reports of the last years


The German national cross-country ski team on training camp in Bad Gastein

Photos © Philipp Reiter

Austria's Next Topmodel visits Bad Gastein

Bad Gastein became the setting for the broadcast of “Austria’s Next Topmodel”. The filming of the casting show lasted a whole day and all still competing candidates gave their best in airy heights and in Dirndl and Lederhosen!

The broadcast date was 09.10.2014 at 20.15 on Puls4.

Janus HotelbetriebsgmbH. ∙ Grillparzerstraße 1 ∙ 5640 Bad Gastein ∙ Austria
Tel. +43 6434 / 20 37-0 ∙ Fax +43 6434 / 38 67 ∙

Janus HotelbetriebsgmbH. ∙ Grillparzerstraße 1 ∙ 5640 Bad Gastein ∙ Austria
Tel. +43 6434 / 20 37-0 ∙ Fax +43 6434 / 38 67 ∙